Our assessment services include preliminary habitat assessments (PHA) to quickly identify critical issues, wetland delineation and functional analyses, threatened and endangered species surveys, migratory bird habitat identification, plant community inventories, stream and water body surveys, habitat characterization, environmental assessments, (EA), environmental impact statements (EIS).

Projects include:

  • Brush Creek Ranch Plant Community Inventory and Mapping, Saratoga, WY
  • South Boulder Creek Fishery Enhancement, Eldorado Canyon, CO
  • Boulder Community Hospital Burrowing Owl and Migratory Bird Habitat Assessment, Boulder, CO
  • Upper Clark Fork River Basin Superfund Site Wetland Delineation and Functional Analysis, Anaconda, Opportunity, Butte and Missoula, MT
  • Martin County Coal Company Coal Slurry Stream Survey and Impact Assessment, Inez, KY
Contact Us: 970-812-3267 |